Sunday, December 26, 2010
save one's breath
=save one's breath
buffoon광대(clown); 익살꾼; 교양 없는 사람.
play the buffoon 익살부리다.
sully …을 더럽히다, 오손하다, 녹슬게 하다; 《비유적》 〔명성·정신 따위〕를 훼손하다, 상처입히다.
~ a reputation 명성을 더럽히다.
Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah is eager for the U.S. to attack Iran's nuclear sites--as long as his hands are not sullied.
pulp fiction갱지에 인쇄한) 싸구려 통속 소설.
come in varied form(s)
Difference between varied and various
varied + singular: "varied" qualifies a singular noun.
There was a varied group of people. - group is singular
(varied + singular)s: when the noun is in plural form, that's not because varied is qualifying the plural form, but because the whole of "varied + singular" is pluralized.
various + plural: "various" qualifies a plural form.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Growing Up
Biding his time with dreams of the big locomotives.
spick-and-span [spíkənspǽn] a.
아주 새로운, 갓 맞춘(옷 따위), 참신한; 말쑥한.
spick-and-span [spíkənspǽn] ad.
말쑥하게, 깨끗하게.
Keep the house spick and span.
stríng bean
【미국】 꼬투리째 먹는 콩(꼬투리) (강낭콩•완두 따위); 그 꼬투리; (구어•비유) 키가 크고 마른 사람.
frivolity [frivɑ́ləti / -vɔ́l-] n.
U 천박, 경솔; C 쓸데 없는 일; 부질 없는 행위[생각].
Living entirely for his work, he avoided all frivolity which could jeopardize his dream of becoming an engineer.
Keel over: 대굴대굴 구르다
Keel over with heart attacks
Keel over with laughter
Growing Up
(구어) 정신이 돈(사람); 별난 생각을 지닌 (사람).
㉺∼ism ―n. 기이한[괴상한] 짓, 미친 것 같음.
bulbous [bʌ́lbəs] a.
구근(상)의; 구근에서 성장하는.
┈┈•a ∼ nose 주먹코. a bulbous jaw
I thought of the world in terms of bad buys and good guys.
Listened to a symphony on records.
impregnable1 [imprégnəbəl] a.
난공불락의, 견고한; 움직일 수 없는; (신념 따위가) 확고부동한.
┈┈•be in an ∼ position 움직일 수 없는 지위에 있다.
stew in one's own juice
Fig. to be left alone to suffer one's anger or disappointment. John has such a terrible temper. When he got mad at us, we just let him go away and stew in his own juice. After John stewed in his own juice for a while, he decided to come back and apologize to us.
intercession [ìntərséʃən] n.
U,C 중재, 조정, 알선; 아무를 위한 기도.
┈┈•make an ∼ to A for B, B를 위해 A에게 잘 말해 주다.
Tick off~: 술술 예를 들다.
The Depression had made materialists of us all.
Boys of the Depression generation were expected to have their hearts set on moneymaking work.
‡dreary [dríəri] a. (drearier; -iest)
① 황량한; 처량한; 음산한.
② 울적한, 따분한, 지루한.
③ (고어) 서글픈, 비참한.
lecher [létʃəːr] n.
호색가, 음탕한 남자.
sláve drìver
노예 감독[감시]자;
sotto voce [sɑ́touvóutʃi / sɔ́t-]
【It.】 저음(低音)으로; 방백(傍白)으로(aside).
Whisper sotto voce some dirty joke at the butcher’s ear.
I couldn’t drive a nail without mashing my thumb.
bosky [bɑ́ski / bɔ́ski] a.
(문어) 숲이 우거진; 나무 그늘이 있는[많은] (shady); 숲의.
†dale [deil] n.
골짜기(특히 넓은). [cf.] vale, valley.
Herb was launched on what was to be a lifelong career as doting father.
innards [ínərdz] n.
pl. (구어) 내장(內臟); (물건의) 내부(inner parts); (복잡한 기계•기구의) 내부(구조).
trencherman [tréntʃərmən] n. (pl. -men [-mən])
대식가; (고어) 식객.
┈┈•a good [poor] ∼ 대[소]식가.
trencher2\ [tréntʃəːr] n.
① 큰 나무접시; 목판(식탁에서 빵을 썰어 도르는).
② (고어) 음식; 식사.
③ 「형용사적」 나무접시의; 식사의; (고어) 기생충 같은, 비굴하게 아첨하는.
♣lick the ∼ 아첨하다, 아양 떨다.
†victual [vítl] n.
(보통 pl.) 음식, 양식.
My foot! 맙소사
Growing Up
Growing Up
†matron [méitrən] n.
(나이 지긋한 점잖은) 부인, 여사; 가정부; 보모; 요모(療母); 수간호사; (교도소에서 여죄수를 감독하는) 여간수.
foundling [fáundliŋ] n.
기아(棄兒), 주운[버린] 아이. =abandoned child
┈┈•a ∼ hospital 고아원, 기아 보호소.
By the calendar 나이상으론
“Because there’s something fine between us,” I said. “Why do you want to destroy it?”
shopworn [-́wɔ̀ːrn] a.
【미국】 상품이 오랫동안 진열되어 찌든( 【영국】 shop-soiled); 신선미를 잃은, 진부한.
Shopworn phrase = hackneyed phrase
Keep company with~: ~ 어울리다. 동류항이 되다.
Willful 외고집의
backhanded [bǽkhǽndid] a.
손등으로의; 거꾸로의; (필적이) 왼쪽으로 기운; 서투른; 간접의, 빗대어 말하는; 성실치 못한; 뜻밖의.
Instead there was only a backhanded compliment
A later generation with hindsight’s flawless vision understood very clearly that Hiroshima was a great and terrible moment in human history.
Cut a captain’s inspection: 중대장의 검열을 째다 (빠지다)
Have the noose put on one: 결혼을 하다.
fatuous [fǽtʃuəs] a.
얼빠진, 어리석은; 백치의, 바보의; 실체가 없는, 환영(幻影)의(illusory).
séventh héaven
(the ∼) 제7천국(신과 천사가 사는 최상천(最上天)), 하늘 나라; 최고의 행복.
♣in the ∼ 그지없는 환희[행복] 속에; 미칠 듯이 기뻐하여[황홀하여].
♣the ∼ of delight 기쁨의 절정[극치]
pipsqueak [pípskwìːk] n.
(속어) 보잘것 없는 사람[물건]; 벼락 출세자.
Growing up
A lark = a prank 장난
In my senior year I’d helped edit the campus weekly newspaper, but it had been only a lark.
vi.쿵쿵 걷다; 무겁게 움직이다; (기차 따위가) 우르르하며 움직이다(along; past; ((폐어) by; up)).
Grind out a story: 이야기를 지어 내다
sensuous [sénʃuəs] a.
감각적인; 오감에 의한; 미감에 호소하는, 심미적인. [cf.] sensitive, sensual.
Enjoy the indolent sensuous life
Turn in: (구어) 잠자리에 들다: He ∼ed in at 11 last night. 그는 어젯밤 11시에 잤다
róoming hòuse
하숙집(lodging house)(취사설비는 없고 외식하는).
From Growing Up
"The only thing that truly interested me was writing, and I knew that sixteen-year-olds did not come out of high school and become writers. I thought of writing as something to be done only by the rich. It was so obviously not real work, not a job at which you could earn a living. Still, I had begun to think of myself as a writer. It was the only thing for which I seemed to have the smallest talent, and, silly though it sounded when I told people I'd like to be a writer, it gave me a way of thinkg about myself which satisfied my need to have an identity."
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Can God help the Korean Protestant Church?
Friday, November 19, 2010
in the nick of time
have one's way with ~ :
Have sex with someone, as in He wanted to have his way with her. This usage is nearly always used of a man trying to get a woman to have sex. It may be dying out. [Early 1900s]
licentious [laisénʃəs] a.방종[방자]한; 방탕한; 음탕한; (규율에) 반항적인; (드물게) 파격적인(문체 등).
decorum [dikɔ́ːrəm] n.U 단정; 예의 바름; (종종 pl.) 예법.
buck naked
살금살금[가만히] 걷다, 살며시 도망치다; (구어) (여자가) 간들간들 걷다(away; by; off; about).
㉺∼ingly ―ad. 몰래, 가만히, 살며시.
buck naked (American & Australian informal)
completely naked I got a shock when I saw her sitting buck naked, drink in hand, watching TV.
= in all one’s skinness
in the buff (old-fashioned)
naked He came out of the bedroom in the buff.
milk of mag·ne·sia : A white suspension of hydrated magnesium carbonate in water, used as an antacid or laxative
laxative [lǽksətiv] a.
대변을[설사를] 나오게 하는. N. 설사제.
㉺∼ly ―ad.
damsel [dǽmzəl] n.
(고어·시어) 처녀; (고어) 신분이 높은 소녀.
lascivious [ləsíviəs] a.
음탕한, 호색의, 외설적인; 도발적인, 유혹적인.
㉺∼ly ―ad.
㉺∼ness ―n.
lewd [luːd] a.
추잡한, 음란한; 외설한; 호색의.
㉺∼ly ―ad.
㉺∼ness ―n.
Reeking beer drinkers: 악취를 풍기는 맥주 마시는 사람
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
pinched for money
put the deposit down on an apartment
tuberose [tjúːb-əròuz] n. 〖식물〗 월하향(月下香)(멕시코 원산).
suffuse [səfjúːz] vt. 뒤덮다, 확 퍼지다, 채우다(액체·눈물·빛 따위가). ♣be ∼d with ┅이 가득히 퍼져 있다, ┅으로 가득 차 있다.
sass [sæs] vt.(미국구어) (윗사람에게) 건방진 말을 하다[태도를 취하다], 말대꾸하다.
Though he remained a stern figure, and I never considered sassing him, I saw now that he knew I no longer received his stories with total credulity, but that I was now listening for the pleasure of watching his imagination at play.
†sulky [sʌ́lki] a. (sulkier; -iest) ① 실쭉한, 뚱한, 골난, 부루퉁한.② 음침한, 음산한(날씨 따위). ㉺sulkily ―ad. 심술나서, 골나서, 부루퉁해서.
flapper: ④ (영국속어) (아직 사교계에 안 나온) 어린 아가씨; (구어)(1920년대의) 건달 아가씨, 왈가닥, 플래퍼.
pass muster
(구어) 그럭저럭 잘 변통하다; 야바위치다, 속이다, 속여 빼앗다(out of).
┈┈•∼ a person out of ┅ 아무에게서 ┅을 속여 빼앗다.
㉺-gler ―n.
None of them doubted that the family fortune had been finagled into English bank accounts by British connivers.
He had achieved success on the monumental scale.
We had been punisher and victim locked silently in idiot’s solitude.
waylay [wèiléi] vt. (p., pp. -laid [-léid])
매복하다, 요격하다; (길목에서) (사람을) 불러 세우다.
cheeky [tʃíːki] a. (cheekier; -iest)
(구어) 건방진, 뻔뻔스러운(impudent).
pass muster = be accepted
Most likely she didn’t actually hate my friends because they were Italian; she was probably just angry at me for choosing friends who couldn’t pass muster in the world of people who had made something of themselves.
†muster [mʌ́stəːr]n.
소집, 검열, 점호; 집합; 집합 인원; 점호 명부; 〖상업〗 견본.
♣pass ∼ 검열을 통과하다.
Jerry took me aside for thrilling news.
wanton trull: 창부
"The birds and the bees" is an English-language idiomatic expression which refers to courtship and sexual intercourse, and is usually used in reference to teaching someone, often a young child, about sex and pregnancy. The phrase is evocative of the metaphors and euphemisms often used to avoid speaking openly and technically about the subject.
She called to me from another room.
swashbuckling [swɑ́ʃbʌ̀kliŋ] n.U 허세.
the conversation came around to a neighbor who had just had a baby.
felt an immense sense of relief.
know deep in one's soul
Friday, November 5, 2010
BJT, Early Effect, PA DC-DC
Early Effect: Collector voltage (Vcc) has some effect on collector current (Ic)– Ic increases slightly as Vcc increases for the same amplication (within the active region, since the gradient is linear, amplication gan is linear no matter where the Q point is, resulting in the same level of output for the same input level). Due to this effect, current in Ic can be saved by varying Vcc depending on the signal size (base current or base voltage) to be amplified and this is why using PA DCDC can save some current. When input power to PA is small, we can reduce the Vcc level accordingly, putting the operation point (Q point) in the middle of the PA active region, and when the PA input power is large, we can increase the Vcc level to move the Q point well within the PA's active region. Simply put, the fact that the gradients of the slopes in the Vce-Ic graph are greater than 0 degree means there's some room for current saving through variation of Vcc (supply current to the PA).
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The world is one's oyster
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Growing Up -- Chapter 11
†insolence [ínsələns] n. U 오만, 무례; C 오만한[건방진]짓[말, 태도].┈┈•He had the ∼ to tell me to leave the room. 그는 무례하게도 나에게 방을 나가 달라고 말했다.
lout [laut] n.메부수수한 사람, 시골뜨기.
Quit talking baloney. 헛소리 하지 마시오.
give someone to understand (something) = explain (something) to someone
†whet [hwet] vt. (-tt-)① (칼 따위를) 갈다.② (식욕 따위를) 자극하다, 돋우다.
It merely whetted his appetite for more.
déad rínger(속어) 똑같이 닮은 사람[물건].
•He is a (dead) ∼ for his father. 그는 제 아버지를 빼쏜 것 같다.
cinch [sintʃ] vt.【미국】 (말의) 뱃대끈을 죄다; (미국구어) 꽉 쥐다; (속어) 확인하다; (확실히) 손에 넣다; 보증하다.
drý gòods① 직물, 의류.② 【영국】 곡류; 건물류(乾物類).③ (미국속어) 의복, 드레스, 코트.④ (미국속어) 여자(아이).┈┈•a ∼ store 【미국】 포목상((영국) draper's (shop)).③
My mother loved him dearly, but nevertheless held him up to me as a tragic example of the sluggard's life.
†affliction [əflíkʃən] n. ① U 고통, 고뇌, 고생(misery) ② C 병③ C 재해(calamity), 불행; 역경.┈┈•people in ∼ 고통받는 사람들.①
There was bad blood between Uncle Hal and Uncle Charlie.
=They had bad feelings towards each other.
bicarbonate [baikɑ́ːrbənit, -nèit] n. 〖화학〗 중탄산염; U 중조(重曹).♣∼ of soda 중탄산나트륨.
dáy bèd침대 겸용의 소파.
To my mother and Uncle Allen, Hal was the big brother, the oldest of Papa's nine children, rightful heir to Papa's mantle of authority, the one whose duty in life was to restore the family to the glory it had known before Papa's death.
Growing Up -- Chapter 11
Hibernian [haibə́ːrniən] n.아일랜드 사람.
slur [sləːr] n
④ 중상, 비방(reproach); 오명, 치욕(stain).
♣put a ∼ upon = cast [throw] ∼s at 헐뜯다, 중상[비방]하다.
wheedle [hwíːdl]vt.,vi. 『∼/+목+전+명』 감언 이설로 유혹하다, 속여서 ┅시키다(into); 감언 이설로 속이다[빼앗다](from; out of). ┈┈
•∼ money out of [from] a person 감언 이설로 아무에게서 돈을 후리다.
ghostwrite [góustràit] vi., vt. (-wrote; -written) (연설·문학작품의) 대작(代作)을 하다. ㉺-writer ―n. 대작자.
†crib [krib] v. (-bb-)―vt. ① ┅에 ∼를 갖추다; 재목으로 보강하다.② (좁은 곳에) 가두다. ③ (구어) 좀도둑질을 하다, 도용하다, 표절하다, (답을) 커닝하다.④ (구어) 주해서를 사용하다.―vi.① (구어) 좀도둑질히다; 표절하다; 커닝하다; 주해서를 쓰다.② (말이) 구유를 물어뜯다.
†turnip [tə́ːrnip] n. ① 〖식물〗 순무(의 뿌리).② (속어) 대형 은딱지 회중시계.③ (속어) 바보, 쓰레기; 단조로운 일.
=rutabagas, radish
leaden [lédn] a.① 납의, 납으로 만든; 납빛의.② 무거운; 답답한, 께느른한, 둔한, 활기 없는, 무기력한.③ 짐이 되는, 귀찮은.④ 가치 없는; 단조로운.┈┈•sleep's ∼ scepter 참을 수 없는 수마(睡魔).② ┈┈•a ∼ rule.③ ㉺∼ly ―ad. ㉺∼ness ―n. 무기력, 답답함.
"I always knew he'd amount to something. Edwin had sort of a way about him." 독자적인 능력을 갖추다.
- pull the car over to the side of the road 차를 길가로 대다
- pull a person over to the side of the road 운전자로 하여금 차를 길가로 대도록 하다
- pull over to the side of the road (운전자가 차를) 길가로 대다
-edge: vt. sharpen
The anger was never edged with bitterness or self-pity. Most often it was expressed as genial (gentle) contempt toward business, labor, government, and all the salesmen of miracle cures for the world's ailments.
commiserate [kəmízərèit] v. ―vt. 『∼+목/ +목+전+명』 가엾게 여기다, 불쌍하게[딱하게] 생각하다.―vi. 『+전+명』 동정하다; 조의를 표하다(with).┈┈•∼ another's misfortune 남의 불행을 가엾게 여기다.―vt. ┈┈•∼ a person for his poverty 아무의 가난을 동정하다.―vt.
conniver [kənáivər] n.묵인자, 눈감아 주는 사람.
cuss [kʌs] n.(구어) U 저주, 욕설, 악담; C (흔히 경멸적) 녀석, 새끼.
hoodwink [húdwiŋk] vt.(남의)눈을 속이다(blindfold); 현혹시키다.
"Those dirty cusses are always out to hoodwink an American."
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Take off
I had no idea it was going to take off how it did.
=I didn't know it was going to succeed the way it succeeded.
Jongho Kim
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
put a person to shame
Friday, September 24, 2010
Growing Up -- Chapter Four
pauper [pɔ́ːpər] n.〖역사〗 (구빈법(救貧法)의 적용을 받는) 극빈자, 피구호민; 빈민; 거지; 〖법률〗 (소송 비용을 면제받는) 빈민.㉺∼dom ―n. 「집합적」 빈민, 영세민; U 빈궁, 빈곤.㉺∼ism ―n. U 요구호 대상자임, 빈궁; 「집합적」 요구호 대상자, 빈민. pauper [pɔ́ːpər] a.빈민의, 빈곤한.
conurbation [kɑ̀nəːrbéiʃən / kɔ̀n-] n.집합 도시(몇 개의 도시가 팽창 접근하여 한 개의 대도시로 간주되는 것), 대도시권, 광역 도시권.
highball [-bɔ̀ːl] v.―vi. (속어) (열차가) 최대 속도로 달리다.―vt. (속어) (열차 운전사에게) 출발 신호를 하다.
isinglass [áiziŋglæs, -glɑ̀ːs] n. U 부레풀, 젤라틴; 〖광물〗 운모(雲母)(mica).
sconce [skɑns / skɔns] n.(벽 따위에 설비한) 쑥 내민 촛대; 납작한 손잡이가 달리 촛대.
cad [kæd] n.상스러운 사내, 천격(賤格)스런 사람, 악당; (영국학생속어) (대학가의) 일반인.
†pomade, pomatum [pɑméid, poumɑ́ːd], [pouméitəm, -mɑ́ː-] n.U 포마드, 향유, 머릿기름.
settee [setíː] n.(등널이 있는) 긴 의자.
Growing Up -- Chapter Five
1.우스꽝스러움, 익살맞음; 익살스러운 말투[짓].
1.시체의; 죽은 사람 같은, 창백한; 말라빠진.
a blithe spirit 유쾌한 인물(사람), 호인
shoo something out: 쉬이 하고 쫓아 내다.
heathenish [híːðəniʃ] a.이교(도)의; 비기독교적인; 야만의, 미개한.
soft in the head: 머리가 모자란 (dull)
go soft in the head: 노망 들다.
slide an icicle into someone's heart: 가슴에 비수를 꽂다.
good riddance: 귀찮은 것을 떼어내어서 시원함
play the duchess: = give oneself airs
Monday, September 20, 2010
penal colony
1.죄수 유형지, 범죄자 식민지.
Pinot Noir [[piːnóu nwɑ́ːr]
【F.】 적포도주용의 Pinot종 포도; 그것으로 만든 적포도주.
chardonnay [ʃɑ̀ːrdənéi] n.
샤르도네(희고 쌉살한 테이블 와인).
celery [séləri] n.
〖식물〗 셀러리.
Degustation is a culinary term meaning "a careful, appreciative tasting of various foods" and focusing on the gustatory system, the senses, high culinary art and good company.
gustatory [gʌ́stətɔ̀ːri / -təri] a.
〖해부학·생리〗 맛의; 미각의.
┈┈•∼ bud 미뢰(味蕾) (혀에 있는 미각 기관).
┈┈•∼ nerve 미각 신경.
Ayurveda (Sanskrit: आयुर्वेद; Āyurveda, the "science of life") Ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent[1] and practiced in other parts of the world as a form of alternative medicine.
1.<연극> (특히 가벼운 희가극(喜歌劇)의) 검둥이.
corny [kɔ́ːrni] a. (cornier; -iest)
① 곡물[옥수수]의; 곡물이 풍부한.
② (구어) 촌스러운, 세련되지 않은, 시시한.
③ (구어) (익살이) 진부한, 구식의.
④ (구어) (재즈 따위) 감상적인 ([opp.] hot); 멜로드라마적인.
㉺cornily ―ad.
㉺-iness ―n. 곡물이 풍부함.
prurient [prúəriənt] a.
호색의, 음란한; (욕망·호기심으로) 좀이 쑤시는.
㉺-ence, ─ency [-əns], [-ənsi] ―n. U 호색, 색욕, 음란; 열망.
㉺∼ly ―ad.
clunky [klʌ́ŋki] a. (cunkier; -iest)
① (거북스레) 무거운; 모양새 없는.
Crizotinib (also known as PF-02341066 or 1066), is an ALK (anaplastic lymphoma kinase) inhibitor of the aminopyridine chemical series that is being developed by Pfizer Incorporated.
Cisplatin, cisplatinum, or cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (CDDP) is a platinum-based chemotherapy drug used to treat various types of cancers, including sarcomas, some carcinomas (e.g. small cell lung cancer, and ovarian cancer), lymphomas, and germ cell tumors.
†hoary [hɔ́ːri] a.
① 회백색의; 나이 먹어 하얗게 된, 백발의; 늙은.
② 고색이 창연한(ancient); 나이 들어 점잖은; 진부한.
③ 〖식물·곤충〗 회백색의 솜털로 덮인; (식물이) 회백색 잎이 있는.
㉺hoarily ―ad.
melanoma [mèlənóumə] n. (pl. ∼s, -ta [-tə])
〖의학〗 흑색종(腫).
tamoxifen [təmɑ́ksəfən / -mɔ́k-]n.
〖약학〗 암세포 발정호르몬 수체(受體)를 마비시키는 항종양성(抗腫瘍性) 약(유방암 치료제)
Aromatase is an enzyme that is responsible for a key step in the biosynthesis of estrogens. Because estrogens also promote certain cancers and other diseases, aromatase inhibitors are frequently used to treat those diseases.
Chronic myelogenous (or myeloid) leukemia (CML), also known as chronic granulocytic leukemia (CGL), is a cancer of the white blood cells. It is a form of leukemia characterized by the increased and unregulated growth of predominantly myeloid cells in the bone marrow and the accumulation of these cells in the blood.
Lymphoblasts are immature cells which typically differentiate to form mature lymphocytes. Normally lymphoblasts are found in the bone marrow, but in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), lymphoblasts proliferate uncontrollably and are found in large numbers in the peripheral blood.
full-bore [fúlbɔ̀ːːr] a.
최고속[최강력]으로 움직이는[작동하는].
full-bore [fúlbɔ̀ːːr] ad.
최대한으로, 최고속[최강력]으로.
kinase [káineis, kín-] n.
U 〖생화학〗 키나아제.
In chemistry and biochemistry, a kinase[1], alternatively known as a phosphotransferase, is a type of enzyme that transfers phosphate groups from high-energy donor molecules, such as ATP[2], to specific substrates. The process is referred to as phosphorylation, not to be confused with phosphorolysis, which is carried out by phosphorylases. Phosphorylation is the transfer of a phosphate group to a molecule, not the reverse, i.e., phosphorolysis, the transfer of a molecular moiety to a phosphate group. An enzyme that removes phosphate groups is known as a phosphatase.
hit pay dirt
1. Fig. to discover something of value. (Alludes to discovering valuable ore.) Sally tried a number of different jobs until she hit pay dirt. I tried to borrow money from a lot of different people. They all said no. Then when I went to the bank, I hit pay dirt.
2. Fig. to get great riches. After years of poverty, the writer hit pay dirt with his third novel. Jane's doing well. She really hit pay dirt with her new business.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Tack on
Meaning: Add something that wasn't planned
Example: They TACKED ON a new ending to the film when they found that test audiences didn't like the original.
consternation [kɑ̀nstərnéiʃən / kɔ̀n-] n.U 섬뜩 놀람, 소스라침, 당황.
♣in [with] ∼ 당황하여.♣throw a person into ∼ 아무를 깜짝 놀라게 하다.
listen in on a phone conversation: 전화를 엿듣다.
= overhear a phone conversation
habeas corpus [héibiəs-kɔ́ːrpəs] n.【L.】 〖법률〗 출정영장(구속 적부 심사를 위해 피(被)구속자를 법정에 출두시키는 영장).
Kafkaesque (comparative more Kafkaesque, superlative most Kafkaesque)
Marked by a senseless, disorienting, often menacing complexity.
Kafkaesque bureaucracies
Marked by surreal distortion and often a sense of impending danger.
In the manner of something written by Franz Kafka.
roll over for someone : =knuckle under to someone ~에게 항복하다.
skittish = whimsical, capricious, wayward, fanciful, erratic
a state of nervous and physical exhaustion.
out of touch
=lacking a connection, groundless
jingoism [dngouzm]
insert_object(' ');
단어장에 추가
1.강경 외교론[정책], 맹목적 애국주의.
1.익살맞은 동작, 광대짓.
2.<고어> 이상한, 별난, 기괴한; 익살맞은.
3.(-ticked; -tick•ing) 익살부리다, 까불다.
1. 반대하다, 이의를 제기하다[to, at].
[~+(前)+(名)] ~ to a suggestion 제안에 반대하다
~ at working overtime 초과 근무에 반대하다.
2. 〈법률〉 항변하다.
lord over ~ : 안하 무인으로 뽐내다.
1.(TV·영화 따위의 화면에 나타나지 않는) 해설자의 목소리; (침묵한 화면의 인물의) 마음 속을 말하는 목소리.
2.화면에 나타나지 않고 (목소리만으로).
3.(프로그램 등에) 화면 밖에서 해설을 달다.
stub《美》 (수표장 따위의) 보관용 부본, 대지(臺紙).
carp 허물을 들추다, (하찮은 일로) 나무라다, 트집을 잡다(out, on)[at, about].
~ at minor errors 사소한 잘못을 나무라다.
━ 트집, 불평, 푸념.
Sail trimming is the art of adjusting your sails to make the best use of the wind in moving your boat forward. You know that you have trimmed your sails well when the telltales on them are flying and your boat is moving well for the conditions it is in.
insert_object(' ');
단어장에 추가
1.이민 배척주의[정책]; 원주민 문화 보호[부활] (정책); 토착(土着)주의.
due process
1.<법률> 정당한 법 절차.
When the dust clears
He died in my lap
fedayeen: a suicide bomber
pack a change of clothes: pack clothes to change old ones for
extraction 계통, 가계, 혈통.
a man of German ~ 독일계 사람. = a man of German descent
calisthenic《한정용법》 미용[유연] 체조의
think back on ~
overland journey: 육상 여행
1.스타들[스타 세계]에 매혹된.
The boy wrote a last will and testament: 유언장을 썼다.
wraith 1.(사람이 죽기 전후에 나타난다는)생령(生靈).
2.(일반적으로) 망령, 유령.
3.(실체가 없는) 그림자 같은 것, 환영.
ex) While bin Laden himself may have vanished like a wraith, intelligence about other militant leaders in the Pakistani tribal areas has markdly improved in the past couple of years.
1.(정부·위정자에게) 불평[불만]을 품은[to, toward]; 싫증이 난, 정나미가 떨어진.
1.불붙은 나무 토막, 관솔, 횃불.
3.정열가, 정력가.
ill-disguised=Poorly hidden or concealed: ill-disguised animosity.
toreador [tɔ́ːriədɔ̀ːr, tɑ́r- / tɔ́r-] n. 【Sp.】 기마투우사(오늘날 투우 용어로는 ((폐어). [cf.] matador, picator.
1.준비 없이, 즉각; 즉석에서, 그 자리에서, 선 채로.
2.(…에 대해) 오만하게, 퉁명스럽게, 무뚝뚝하게[with].
3.즉답[즉석]의. =off-the-cuff
pinstripe [pínstràip] n.① 세로의 가는 줄무늬.② 그 무늬의 옷(=∼́ sùit)(전통적으로 실업가가 입음).③ 부자.㉺∼d ―a.
cross the boundary of decency 금도를 넘다
workfare [wə́ːrkfɛ̀əːr] n. (노동 장려를 위한) 복지제도; 근로자 재교육.
pillory [píləri] vt.칼을 씌워 여러 사람 앞에 보이다; 웃음거리로 만들다.
throe [ɵrou] n. (보통 pl.) 격통, 고민; (pl.) 진통, 산고(産苦); (pl.) 단말마의 고통; (pl.) 과도기[시련기]의 혼란[갈등].♣in the ∼s of (문제·일 등)에 필사적으로 달려붙어; ┅이 한창일 때: in the ∼s of a revolution 혁명이 한창일 때에.
spat =n.(드물게) 손바닥으로 때리기; 【미국】 승강이, 말다툼; 후두두하는 빗소리.
paper over (불화·결점 등을) 숨기다, 호도(糊塗)하다, 얼버무리다.
leery of = wary of
acolyte [ǽkəlàit] n. 〖가톨릭〗(미사 때 신부를 돕는) 복사(服事); 조수; 신참자(新參者); 〖천문학〗 위성.
confab [kɑ́nfæb / kɔ́n-] n. (구어)=CONFABULATION.
confabulate [kənfǽbjəlèit] vi. 서로[허물없이] 이야기하다, 담소하다(with). ㉺confabulation [-ʃən] U 간담, 담소; 허물없이 하는 의논.㉺confabulator ―n.㉺-latory [-lətɔ̀ːri / -lətəri] ―a. 담소적인.
Pooh-Bah [púːbɑ̀ː] n.(때로 p-b-) 많은 역(役)을 겸하는 사람; 높은 사람, 고관; 거만한 사람(회가극 The Mikado 중의 인물 이름에서).
thick on the tongue = dry, boring (문체가) 무미건조한
press time = the time of publication
ex) by press time: 발행될 때까지
at press time: 발행될 당시에
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The guy I met at Sedong Hospital (2)
"Thank you." He snatched it happily and went back to his bed.
Minutes passed. From across the old man's bed he asked, "I remember Galilee is the name of a mountain appearing in the Bible. Am I right?" Now it seemed his stuttering was a habit grown out of his intention to avoid inadvertently offending the listener, by making himself look dull or even handicapped—though the habit looked part of him and so irreversible.
He was reading a book-introducing page, "Ready for his Close-up," and the name "Galilee" appeared there. I hadn't yet read till that page and didn't even have any idea what Galilee is. I told him so and said, "Let's search the Internet for it." He got over to my side again. I produced my tiny laptop. On Google, Galilee turned out to be quite famous indeed and there was a complete description of it on Wikipedia. The search result showed Galilee is used in multiple things in the Israel-Palestine region including a lake and there really is "Galilee Mountains" there. I could sense that he was knowledgeable of some English Biblical terms.
From then on he almost stuck to me. He talked about anything coming to mind: books, movies, directors, a video game, cartoons, and so on. Looked like he knew a little bit of everything, not to mention how to talk in English. He said he habituates the Kyobo book store downtown Daegu to have a chance to talk with English speakers often appearing in the English books corner. I started to wonder what kind of background he was coming from.
"What do you do for a living?" I asked. "I'm a handyman, doing manual work. I'm recently learning higher skills—cement plastering." "It will let you earn much money," I perked him up but he was literally a manual laborer—so called a "nogada" man. I had to know how long he had been in that business. "Ever since graduation from high school" was his answer.
At night I treated him to a can of soft drink from a vending machine at a lounge. Our conversation proceeded fluently on many things both personal and non-personal. I let him know enough about me and vice versa did he. He was a video game expert, specializing in only one item called Cheolgwon. He introduced me to the wide and exciting world of Cheolgwon. He had a wish to open a video game arcade if he earns some money—so ingenuous and pragmatic a dream—because that video game is so popular according to him.
He confessed he was innately born with a trait for books. Reading cartoons and fables was his childhood pastime. He was doing pretty well in school and going to university used to be thought to be on his life's natural path. But his father's business went bankrupt when he was a senior in high school and he was forced to make money right after graduation. He was not a lucky boy but he looked happy and content with what he had.
Friday, September 17, 2010
The guy I met at Sedong Hospital (1)
I was reading Growing Up, lying on the bed. To my left were two beds and this man was lying on the farther bed. The old guy right on the left side was talking about children of one of his acquaintances and this younger guy was listening, me overhearing it. In one moment I noticed the younger guy straining his brain so diligently to remember the right term for "the program to work while traveling in Australia." I knew the answer to his question and so let him know what it is: Working Holiday.
Now thinking back, that simple and little kindness of mine--precisely it was out of my desire to stop the distraction of having to hear his repeated muttering of "What is it? I used to know what it is... What is it? I used to know..."--may have triggered this talkative man to get interested in poking me.
Soon he walked up to my side and asked what kind of book I was reading. Expecting a surprise from him, I let him see pages I was reading--written in English--but he didn't show any sign of surprise. Instead, this stuttering, plain manual-laborer-looking man went on to ask me what genre it belongs to and who the author is. Inside me, I was cynical: "Hey, do you ever know Russell Baker? Have you ever read any book written in English, let alone an autobiography?" However, I kindly and diplomatically answered all his questions. As expected he didn't know the author's name nor the book, but he continued to poke me.
To be continued.
Monday, September 13, 2010
A car crash
When I managed to see what was behind me on the side mirror, a 50-something-looking woman got out of her SUV and started to walk up fast toward me as if she was charging toward an enemy on a battle field. When I opened my door, immediately all hell broke loose out of her dirty mouth—those swearing words and curses. But actually there was no point in her argument that I should have run the red light.
"So, should I have run the red light? What the hell are you talking about? Shut up!" was my response.
I called my wife, who was then at home nearby, having her call our insurance company on her way to the scene. There were honks from cars passing by, and soon police arrived, presumably acting on reports by passers-by grumbling about the traffic jam caused by two stopped cars on the road. Then arrived unnecessarily-many towing vehicles. And then insurers from each side arrived. The woman, who was the perpetrator, kept noisy until the accident was finally declared as 100 percent her fault. My car was towed away to a Hyundai car service center for repair and we received a rental car for use until we take back our car.
I went to a nearby hospital and went through a normal procedure including an X-ray picture-taking. Both I and my wife agreed that the perpetrator’s behavior was inexcusable and so disgusting that I had to do something. I had myself admitted to the hospital--something I had never done before in my life, and it was in that 8-people room that I met an interesting man.
To be continued...
Monday, September 6, 2010
Growing up
Fortunately, though, the book is meeting my anticipation more than enough at least so far. Russell Baker really seems to have a knack for writing and amout to the status of a Pulitzer prize winner. One interesting fact I got to learn from his description of his hometown in Virginia around the turn of the 19th-to-20th Century is that life was just as harsh there as in Korea's hard times, and Russell's grandmother and mother were just like plain Korean grandmothers and mothers you could have easily met in your neighborhood. After all, we are all of the same human species and so have so much in common.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
leave to (one's) own devices
Sunday, August 29, 2010
persona non grata 불청객
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Pick up the slack (for)
Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, 2nd ed. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2006. Reproduced with permission.
pick up the slack also take up the slack
Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2006. Reproduced with permission.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Barge in on
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tuesdays with Morrie
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The meaning of family
"This is part of what a family is about, not just love, but letting others know there's someone who is watching out for them. It's what I missed so much when my mother died –what I call your 'spiritual security' – knowing that your family will be there watching out for you. Nothing else will give you that. Not money. Not fame."
Monday, August 9, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Be at daggers drawn with
Monday, July 26, 2010
go back on To fail to honor or keep: go back on a promise.
Light a fire under somebody = help someone
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Have an ax to grind (with someone)
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
have an ax to grind also have an axe to grind
Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2006. Reproduced with permission.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Kick something into the long grass
Idiom: Kick something into the long grass
Idiom Definitions for 'Kick something into the long grass'
All bets are off
Idiom: All bets are off
Idiom Definitions for 'All bets are off'
Monday, July 5, 2010
Sujung leaving for Singapore
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Brought the Mina family to the airport
I heard they had a good time in Busan along with Mother and members of Sukgyeong, Sunae, Hyeonjeon families and my daughters Serene and Erin. A relative who is a teacher living in Busan also joined them, actually guiding the group to some good places there.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
Don't be ungrateful when you receive a gift.
This comes into the category of phrases called proverbs, that is, 'short and expressive sayings, in common use, which are recognized as conveying some accepted truth or useful advice'. The phrase is often expressed as 'never look a gift horse in the mouth'.
As horses age their teeth begin to project further forward each year and so their age can be estimated by checking how prominent the teeth are. This incidentally is also the source of another teeth/age related phrase - long in the tooth.
The advice given in the 'don't look...' proverb is: when given a present, be grateful for your good fortune and don't look for more by examining it to assess its value.
As with most proverbs the origin is ancient and unknown. We have some clues with this one however. The phrase was originally "don't look a given horse in the mouth" and first appears in print in 1546 in John Heywood's A dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the prouerbes in the Englishe tongue, where he gives it as:
"No man ought to looke a geuen hors in the mouth."
Heywood is an interesting character in the development of English. He was employed at the courts of Henry VIII and Mary I as a singer, musician, and playwright. His Proverbs is a comprehensive collection of those known at the time and includes many that are still with us:
- Many hands make light work.
- Rome wasn't built in a day.
- A good beginning makes a good ending.
and so on. These were expressed in the literary language of the day, as in "would yee both eat your cake, and have your cake?", but the modern versions are their obvious descendents.
We can't attribute these to Heywood himself, he collected them from the literary works of the day and from common parlance. He can certainly be given the credit for introducing many proverbs to a wide and continuing audience and that includes one that Shakespeare later borrowed - All's well that ends well.
See also - straight from the horse's mouth.
See other - phrases and sayings from Shakespeare.
See also: the List of Proverbs.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
6 hours
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sister Mina's family in Korea
Friday, June 25, 2010
The common touch
- A politician needs the common touch. (출처:옥스포드 예문)
- 정치가는 서민적인 데가 있어야 한다.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
천안함 침몰 관련 한마디 더
그런데도 여전히 못 믿겠다는 이들이 많다. 이 모든 게 정부의 음모라고 주장하는 자들에겐 그저 안스러울 뿐이고 달리 해 줄 말은 없다.
그런데 북한이 왜 이런 이득이 없는 일을 했겠냐며 북한이 한 게 아닐 거라고 하는 자들에게 도움 말을 주자면,
북한이까 그렇지. 북한이 그렇게 합리적이고 선견지명이 있는 인간들이었으면 아직까지 저 꼬라지로 살겠냐?
Riffraff 어중이 떠중이
It's a good sign that a frontier market is physically dangerous. It
keeps away the casual investment riffraff.
Jongho Kim
Friday, May 14, 2010
For all ~
= Beyond what you know 의외로, 생각하는 것 이상으로
For all it's worth
= If it's any worth (though I suspect it's not)
Love you for all that you are
= Love you in spite of many bad points in you
For what it is
= As it is
Jongho Kim
Monday, May 10, 2010
Hit it out of the park
hit it out of the park | |
English translation: | to do something outstandingly well; in this case, to make a strikingly good impression on someone |
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Compensatory Leave / Compensation Leave
Compensation Leave (유급 휴가): a leave given to an employee for injury during which compensation in cash is paid.
Both of which are uncountable nouns.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
천안함 침몰의 원인에 대해...
자고로 음모란 거기에 가담된 사람의 숫자가 많을수록 성립될 가능성이 낮다. 들통날 확률이 너무나 크기 때문이다. 지금 들통나지 않아도 언젠간 나게 되어 있다. 군함 하나를 박살내고 거기에 탄 사람을 40명도 넘게 수장시킨 정도의 스케일의 사건에 대해 음모 운운하는 사람들은 참으로 걱정스럽고 위험할 정도로 그 통찰력의 수준이 개탄스럽기 짝이 없을 정도이다.
아폴로 우주선이 달에 간 것도 가짜였다고 음모론을 주장하고 거기에 동조하는 사람들이 적지 않음을 봤을 때부터 나는 다수의 이런 비합리적 사고의 횡포를 주지하고 있었다. 감자탕의 어원이 존재하지도 않는 "감자뼈"라는 데에서 유래했다고 어떤 놈이 우기니 그걸 다 믿는 세상이다. 삐삐가 남자라는 걸 믿고 싶어하는 대중들이 많은 세상이다. 지금 막 직감적으로 드는 생각인데, 이게 다 객관식 시험의 폐해가 아닌가 한다. 답을 찍어야 하는데, 뭔가 간단하고 당연한 건 답이 아닐 것 같고, 꼬아 놓거나 한번 돌려서 설명해 놓은 게 정답일 확률이 높다는 믿음. 그것이 애들을 버려 놓은 것 같다.
북한이 공격한 것이 맞다. 너무나 뻔한 거 아닌가? 이건 추측도 아니고 그냥 당연한 귀결이다.
미군 잠수함이 밑에서 떠받았다고?
잠수함 부력이 수천톤을 들어 올릴 정도로 그렇게 강하고 돌고래 솟구치듯 빨라서 배가 폭발한 것처럼 느낄 정도이냐? 잠수함 두께가 강철 1.5m라서 잠수함은 멀쩡하다고? 그럼 잠수함은 어뢰 맞아도 끄떡 없겠네? 그게 물에 뜨긴 하겠나? 그 잠수함으로 해저 11km 마리아나 해구 탐사할 일 있나? 그리고 그 많은 배신 잘하는 미군 잠수함 승무원들 입단속은 어떻게 평생 할건가?
피로 파괴?
그럼 배가 부러질 때 최후의 발악으로 한번 공중에 떠 본 거겠네?
사람들은 참 이상하다. 전문가들이 발표하면 왜 그 반대가 정답이라고 믿을까? 모든 반대 증거를 애써 역행하려는 그건 어떤 종교적 믿음에서 오는 것인가? 역시 그건 객관식 시험의 유산인 것 같다.
북한이 왜 그랬겠냐고?
사람들은 참 순진하다. 이건 무지의 소치가 아닐까 하는데, 북한이 얼마나 질 나쁜 애들인지 모른다. 근본적으로 옛날 공산권 국가였거나 현재 공산국가의 애들은 대부분 질이 나쁘다. 인종차별 이런 것부터 시작해서, 러시아에 한국 사람 놀러 가면 쥐도 새도 모르게 죽임을 당하거나 골목에서 맞을 확률이 굉장히 높다. 폴란드만 해도 길 가다가 그냥 동양인이라는 이유로 막 맞았다는 사람 이야기도 들었다. 미국놈, 영국놈, 양놈들 욕 많이 하는데, 이런 공산권 애들에 비하면 양반 할배다. 북한? 모르나? KAL기 폭파. 아웅산 테러. 무장공비. 도끼 만행. 국제 축구 심판 집단 구타 사건. 그런 짓 한 애들이 물갈이도 안되고 예나 지금이나 그대로 통치하고 있는 데가 북한이다. 대물림까지 해 가면서. 결정적으로 몇번의 서해 해전 치르면서 북한 애들 많이 죽었다. 오늘 한국 해군 참모 총장이 천안함 순국 장병 영결식에서 반드시 복수 한다고 말했다. 이렇게 부드럽고 온화한 대한민국일진데도 군대란 그런 것이다. 군대란 사기로 먹고 산다. 근본 이유야 어찌 되었건, 당하면 보복하는 것이 군대다. 그래야 군의 사기가 오른다고 믿는다. 원래 군대란 폭력집단이거든. 합법적 폭력 집단. 폭력 집단이 적의 폭력에 의해서 당했을 땐 그 위의 정치 관계나 자초지정이야 어떻게 되었든, 최소한 받은 만큼은 되돌려 주는게 인지상정다. 이건 세계 공통의 가치관이다. 북한이 보복 안하면 오히려 그 애들이 이상한 거지.
그럼 자기들이 했으면 했다고 말하겠지?
그 애들이 알카이다냐? 북한이 지들이 했다고 해서 얻을 게 뭔가? 그럼 KAL기, 아웅산 테러,무장 공비에 대해선 왜 자기들이 했다고 말 안했을까? 원래 북한이 안했고 남한 정부가 꾸며낸 음모라고? 김현희가 가짜라고? 할말이 없다. 쩝.
북한 애들이 진정 꼭 자기들이 한 짓이라고 알려야 할 곳은 자기 군인들에게이다. 위에 언급한 이유 대로 군의 사기를 위해 꼭 자기들 군인들만은 알게 해야 한다. 그런데 요즘 돌아 가는 꼴이 너무 불리하니, 대 놓고는 못 알릴 것이다. 그렇지만, 애써 이룬 실적은 알려야 의미가 있겠지.
이것에 대해선 시간이 가면 북한 군인들도 귀순도 할 거고 다 나발을 불게 되어 있다.
북한 동정하면 안된다. 운동권 애들이 반미하려고 택한 게 친북인데, 이게 정치하고 연결되면서 국민들만 많이 버려 놨다. 합리적이고 주체적인 사고를 못하게 막고 있다. 거기에 객관식 시험의 폐해까지 한몫하면서 국민들이 완전 헛똑똑이 된 것 같다.
순수가 필요할 시간이다. 애들이 너무 찍기 연습을 많이 했다. 주관식만이 대안이 아니라, 시험 문제를 그냥 쉽게 내는 게 낫겠다. 꼬아서 문제 내지 말고, 문제에 함정 만들지 말고, 그냥 교과서에 있는 그대로 주관식으로 문제 내자. 현실에는 음모가 그다지 많지 않다. 그리고 많이 뛰게 하자. 운동 많이 하면 순수해진다.
Friday, April 23, 2010
take something with a grain of salt
Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2006. Reproduced with permission.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
"approve" vs. "approve of"
approve of: 용인하다. 승락하다.
Approve means to grant official consent to something. You usually get someone to approve your idea/plan/project before you start implementing it. To approve of something is to agree with it, often in an ethical, religious or moral sense. Here are some examples with a little more context.
If you want to hire more accountants, you will need to get HR to approve that first.
The manager is required to approve all new accounts.
My father does not approve of my dating him, but I don't care.
We would like to abandon some of our old traditions, but our priest would never approve of that.
Friday, April 2, 2010
KBS에 금요일 밤 늦게 방송하는 "일류로 가는 길"이라는 프로그램이 있다. 오늘은 단국대 석좌교수가 나와서 수학에 대해 이야기했는데 참 흥미 있었다. 누구나 나의 이 글을 보는 사람은 지나간 프로라도 KBS 홈 페이지에 가서 명사들의 강의를 들어보길 추천한다. 다소 한국 사람에 대한 근거 약한 과도한 동기부여성 발언들이 식상하기도 하지만 좋은 발상의 전환을 자극하는 내용도 있다.
각설하고, 어느 학원 강사가 우리나라의 수학교육의 현실과 관련하여 질문을 했다. 수학에 재능을 보이는 아이들에게 가능성을 제한하게 하는 것이 아닌가 고민된다는, 과연 어떻게 가르쳐야 옳은가 하는 그런 질문이었다. 교수는 전구의 부피를 구하는 것에 대한 에디슨과 어느 수학자의 에피소드에 관해 이야기했다. 원래 그 이야기는 에디슨의 합리적(?) 사고를 찬양하기 위한 수단으로 쓰인 일화이다. 그러나 수학자적 입장에서 볼 때 그 일화에서 에디슨이 아니라 수학자의 자세가 옳다. 에디슨의 방식은 당장 주어진 문제의 답만을 얻기 위한 빠른 해결책일 순 있지만 그걸로 끝이다. 예컨대 용적을 구해야 할 대상이 전구가 아니라 거대한 댐이라면 더 이상 그런 식으론 답을 얻을 순 없다. 수학적 접근으로 일반적 해를 얻어야 하는 것이다.
시간이 걸리더라도 그런 진정한 일반적인 해답을 얻는 것이 궁극적으로 더 유용하다. 사물을 수학적으로 모델링하는 것 말이다. 수학책에 나오는 공식들과 문제 유형별 풀잇법들을 외워서 주어진 시간 안에 보기에서 답을 골라내는 연습을 하는 것. 교수는 그걸 "조건 반사"라고 묘사하기도 했는데, 참으로 공감한다. 물론, 수학책에 나오는 여러 수학 문제들과 공식들과 유형들과 거기에 따른 풀잇법들은 그 자체로서 주위에서 일어날 수 있는 다양한 문제들에 관해 수학적으로 모델링하는 예로 작용하여 문제해결에 관한 어떤 툴을 제공하는 측면도 없지 않고, 또한 기본적 지식 위에 더 새롭고 나은 해법을 생각해내도록 도움을 주는 면도 있겠지만, 그러나 한편으로 마치 수학적 문제는 그런 것들만 존재하고 그것을 해결하는 방법도 그런 주어진 것밖에는 없는 것으로 여기도록 사고를 제한하는 악영향이 더 크다는 말일 것이다. 즉 스스로 수학적으로 해결 방법을 생각해내려는 창의적 사고 노력을 말살시킨다는 말이다.
수학은 곧 논리이다. 수학은 말로 장황하게 설명해야 할 복잡한 관계나 과정을 기호와 식으로 표현하여 논리상으로 오류를 범하지 않도록 하기 위한 장치이다. 즉 수학은 말의 논리적 표현 기술에 관한 학문이다. 또 말이란 사고의 결과물임과 동시에 사고를 돕는 역할을 한다. 정해진 사고 루틴, 방법만 따르는 것은 정해진 공식과 풀이 방법만 적용하려는 습성과 같고 창의적 사고, 즉 새로운 생각을 해 보려는 노력을 가로막는다. 시간이 아무리 들더라도 자기 스스로 생각하고 스스로의 방식으로 문제를 풀어 보려는 노력은 수학 문제의 창의적 해결로만 끝나는 것이 아니라 사고에 있어서 자기만의 논리적 일반해를 도출하게끔 하는 것이 아닐까?
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Economic growth
attain post-crisis, that's no reason to give up on it. Just the
opposite: all the more reason to spend our energy coming up with the
right policies--from education and innovation to entrepreneurship and
competition--that will help foster it.
Jongho Kim
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Look the other way
look the other way
Saturday, March 27, 2010
John Popper Feat. Sister Hazel All For You.wmv
Jongho Kim
Friday, March 26, 2010
Bargain for
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Pot calling the kettle black
The pot calling the kettle black (or greasy)
똥 묻은 개가 겨 묻은 개 나무라는 격. 적반하장.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Applications come in handy
you are just using your mobile to make simple voice calls or do some
text messaging then it'd be just fine enough. But if you really think that
a mobile has to be a mobile PC, then this smart phone including its
creative ideas is at the forefront of the effort to make that happen.
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Writing from an iPhone
least writting in English is quite faster thanks to the auto-
correction and qwerty keyboard.
I'm thinking of writing this way on a regular basis.
Jongho Kim
Sent from my iPhone
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
[idiom] go a long way
=sufficient to V
2. go a long way in ~ing
=be succeesful in ~ing
3. go a long way to (toward) ~ing
=have a considerable effect on ~ ing
The cases 1, 2 and 3 all have one meaning in common: be sufficiently effective
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Hey There Khalilah ^^
Hey There Khalilah
I really like that arabic accent...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
teach school
to instruct students in a school.
Buller left journalism to teach school, and he wrote several books about his experiences.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
put a (positive) spin on stg.
to twist a report or story to one's advantage; to interpret an event to make it seem favorable or beneficial to oneself or one's cause. The mayor tried to put a positive spin on the damaging polls. The pundit's spin on the new legislation was highly critical.
A Thousand Points of Hate
crop up: vi) appear suddenly
fall in with ┅와 우연히 만나다; ┅에 동의하다; ┅에 참가하다; ┅와 조화[일치]하다, ┅에 적응하다; (점·때가) ┅와 부합하다.
Young Somali-Americans who left a world of poverty and gangs in Minnesota to take up jihad in the land of their fathers have fallen in with groups like the Qaeda-linked Al-Shabab that turned some of them into suicide bombers.
come [draw, gather] to a head (종기가) 곯아 터질 지경이 되다; 때가 무르익다; 위기에 처하다; 막바지에 이르다. cf) fester
heedless U.S. support for Israel. 무분별한
The surge of 30,000 new troops to Afghanistan has given extremists propaganda material to argue that America is bent on the unending occupation of that country.
case: (속어) 잘 조사하다, 음미하다(examine carefully), (범행 전에) 보아두다.
The New York police worry that David Headley, who was arrested in Chicago and accused of conducting surveillance in advance of 2008's terrorist attacks in Mumbai, may also have cased potential targets in Manhattan.
But the best defense remains a smart, discreet, devastating offense, and that effort has to be relentless.
At the same time, it's essential to discredit Al Qaeda's ideology, which inspires the Abdulmutallabs and the Major Hasans of this world. Obama must not succumb to the old rhetoric of global confrontation and clashing civilizations. He needs to keep the focus on those small groups and individuals who present a real threat while engaging in the battle of ideas from the high ground of traditional American values. That is why, even though some Guantánamo graduates have wound up leading terrorist cells, as in Yemen, the closing of that not-quite-constitutional prison on the Cuban shore is imperative. The contagion of Al Qaeda's ideas feeds on the notion that Muslims everywhere are oppressed and under constant attack; that their lands are occupied; that their values are disrespected and their faith defiled. And whenever the United States can be lured into a situation that seems to prove those views true, any tactical victory will be outweighed by the strategic setback in the war for Muslim hearts and minds.
So, while the United States continues aggressive operations in the shadows, Obama has to keep the American profile as low as possible. And that will be difficult when his administration is under partisan attack for being soft on national security. He must resist the temptation to claim a covert victory overtly, as the Bush administration did before the midterm elections in 2002 when it scored a Predator hit against an earlier generation of Qaeda leaders in Yemen. No allies in the Muslim world want to be seen working with the United States to kill other Muslims. Obama must not let the United States get dragged into another overt war, and must continue extricating American troops from the occupations he inherited. And, toughest of all, he needs to find a way to calm American nerves at a time when hysterical rhetoric is the stuff of daily discourse.