Friday, December 3, 2010

Growing up

Be fixed for something = be ready for something

A lark = a prank 장난
In my senior year I’d helped edit the campus weekly newspaper, but it had been only a lark.

vi.쿵쿵 걷다; 무겁게 움직이다; (기차 따위가) 우르르하며 움직이다(along; past; ((폐어) by; up)).

Grind out a story: 이야기를 지어 내다

sensuous [sénʃuəs] a.
감각적인; 오감에 의한; 미감에 호소하는, 심미적인. [cf.] sensitive, sensual.

Enjoy the indolent sensuous life

Turn in: (구어) 잠자리에 들다: He ∼ed in at 11 last night. 그는 어젯밤 11시에 잤다

róoming hòuse
하숙집(lodging house)(취사설비는 없고 외식하는).

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