Saturday, October 16, 2010

Growing Up -- Chapter 11

Walk out on (one's wife and children) 처자식을 버리다.

†insolence [ínsələns] n. U 오만, 무례; C 오만한[건방진]짓[말, 태도].┈┈•He had the ∼ to tell me to leave the room. 그는 무례하게도 나에게 방을 나가 달라고 말했다.

lout [laut] n.메부수수한 사람, 시골뜨기.

Quit talking baloney. 헛소리 하지 마시오.

give someone to understand (something) = explain (something) to someone

†whet [hwet] vt. (-tt-)① (칼 따위를) 갈다.② (식욕 따위를) 자극하다, 돋우다.
It merely whetted his appetite for more.

déad rínger(속어) 똑같이 닮은 사람[물건].
•He is a (dead) ∼ for his father. 그는 제 아버지를 빼쏜 것 같다.

cinch [sintʃ] vt.【미국】 (말의) 뱃대끈을 죄다; (미국구어) 꽉 쥐다; (속어) 확인하다; (확실히) 손에 넣다; 보증하다.

drý gòods① 직물, 의류.② 【영국】 곡류; 건물류(乾物類).③ (미국속어) 의복, 드레스, 코트.④ (미국속어) 여자(아이).┈┈•a ∼ store 【미국】 포목상((영국) draper's (shop)).③

My mother loved him dearly, but nevertheless held him up to me as a tragic example of the sluggard's life.

†affliction [əflíkʃən] n. ① U 고통, 고뇌, 고생(misery) ② C 병③ C 재해(calamity), 불행; 역경.┈┈•people in ∼ 고통받는 사람들.①

There was bad blood between Uncle Hal and Uncle Charlie.
=They had bad feelings towards each other.

bicarbonate [baikɑ́ːrbənit, -nèit] n. 〖화학〗 중탄산염; U 중조(重曹).♣∼ of soda 중탄산나트륨.

dáy bèd침대 겸용의 소파.

To my mother and Uncle Allen, Hal was the big brother, the oldest of Papa's nine children, rightful heir to Papa's mantle of authority, the one whose duty in life was to restore the family to the glory it had known before Papa's death.

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