Sunday, December 26, 2010

save one's breath

keep one’s breath (to cool one’s porridge) 《구어》 입을 다물다; 쓸데없이 말참견하지 않다.
=save one's breath

buffoon광대(clown); 익살꾼; 교양 없는 사람.
play the buffoon 익살부리다.

sully …을 더럽히다, 오손하다, 녹슬게 하다; 《비유적》 〔명성·정신 따위〕를 훼손하다, 상처입히다.
~ a reputation 명성을 더럽히다.

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah is eager for the U.S. to attack Iran's nuclear sites--as long as his hands are not sullied.

pulp fiction
갱지에 인쇄한) 싸구려 통속 소설.

come in varied form(s)

Difference between varied and various
varied + singular: "varied" qualifies a singular noun.
There was a varied group of people. - group is singular

(varied + singular)s: when the noun is in plural form, that's not because varied is qualifying the plural form, but because the whole of "varied + singular" is pluralized.

various + plural: "various" qualifies a plural form.

Friday, December 24, 2010


The Kim family has a tradition of rallying domestic support by raising external threat levels. 

Jongho Kim

Friday, December 3, 2010

Growing Up

Bide one’s time: 때를 기다리다.
Biding his time with dreams of the big locomotives.

spick-and-span [spíkənspǽn] a.
아주 새로운, 갓 맞춘(옷 따위), 참신한; 말쑥한.

spick-and-span [spíkənspǽn] ad.
말쑥하게, 깨끗하게.

Keep the house spick and span.

stríng bean
【미국】 꼬투리째 먹는 콩(꼬투리) (강낭콩•완두 따위); 그 꼬투리; (구어•비유) 키가 크고 마른 사람.

frivolity [frivɑ́ləti / -vɔ́l-] n.
U 천박, 경솔; C 쓸데 없는 일; 부질 없는 행위[생각].
Living entirely for his work, he avoided all frivolity which could jeopardize his dream of becoming an engineer.

Keel over: 대굴대굴 구르다
Keel over with heart attacks
Keel over with laughter

Growing Up

crackpot [krǽkpɑ̀t / -pɔ̀t] n.,a.
(구어) 정신이 돈(사람); 별난 생각을 지닌 (사람).
㉺∼ism ―n. 기이한[괴상한] 짓, 미친 것 같음.

bulbous [bʌ́lbəs] a.
구근(상)의; 구근에서 성장하는.
┈┈•a ∼ nose 주먹코. a bulbous jaw

I thought of the world in terms of bad buys and good guys.

Listened to a symphony on records.

impregnable1 [imprégnəbəl] a.
난공불락의, 견고한; 움직일 수 없는; (신념 따위가) 확고부동한.
┈┈•be in an ∼ position 움직일 수 없는 지위에 있다.

stew in one's own juice
Fig. to be left alone to suffer one's anger or disappointment. John has such a terrible temper. When he got mad at us, we just let him go away and stew in his own juice. After John stewed in his own juice for a while, he decided to come back and apologize to us.

intercession [ìntərséʃən] n.
U,C 중재, 조정, 알선; 아무를 위한 기도.
┈┈•make an ∼ to A for B, B를 위해 A에게 잘 말해 주다.

Tick off~: 술술 예를 들다.

The Depression had made materialists of us all.

Boys of the Depression generation were expected to have their hearts set on moneymaking work.

‡dreary [dríəri] a. (drearier; -iest)
① 황량한; 처량한; 음산한.
② 울적한, 따분한, 지루한.
③ (고어) 서글픈, 비참한.

lecher [létʃəːr] n.
호색가, 음탕한 남자.
sláve drìver
노예 감독[감시]자;

sotto voce [sɑ́touvóutʃi / sɔ́t-]
【It.】 저음(低音)으로; 방백(傍白)으로(aside).

Whisper sotto voce some dirty joke at the butcher’s ear.

I couldn’t drive a nail without mashing my thumb.

bosky [bɑ́ski / bɔ́ski] a.
(문어) 숲이 우거진; 나무 그늘이 있는[많은] (shady); 숲의.

†dale [deil] n.
골짜기(특히 넓은). [cf.] vale, valley.

Herb was launched on what was to be a lifelong career as doting father.

innards [ínərdz] n.
pl. (구어) 내장(內臟); (물건의) 내부(inner parts); (복잡한 기계•기구의) 내부(구조).

trencherman [tréntʃərmən] n. (pl. -men [-mən])
대식가; (고어) 식객.
┈┈•a good [poor] ∼ 대[소]식가.

trencher2\ [tréntʃəːr] n.
① 큰 나무접시; 목판(식탁에서 빵을 썰어 도르는).
② (고어) 음식; 식사.
③ 「형용사적」 나무접시의; 식사의; (고어) 기생충 같은, 비굴하게 아첨하는.
♣lick the ∼ 아첨하다, 아양 떨다.

†victual [vítl] n.
(보통 pl.) 음식, 양식.

My foot! 맙소사

Growing Up

"I was flabbergasted when the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor brought us into the war at the end of 1941. Though by then sixteen, I was still so innocent of the world around me that American involvment had seemed impossible. And Japan! Why in the world had Japan attacked us? I didn't know Japan had anything against us. Sitting by the small radio in the kitchen at Marydell Road that Sunday night, listening to the bulletins from Washington, I though the Japanese attack was ridiculous. A tiny country like that, nothing more than a few specks on the map, a country whose products were synonymous with junk, a pipsqueak country on the far side of the earth--it was grotesque that such a country should take on might America. Settling their hash whould be as easy as squashing an ant."

Growing Up

Racy = 외설한, 음탕한

†matron [méitrən] n.
(나이 지긋한 점잖은) 부인, 여사; 가정부; 보모; 요모(療母); 수간호사; (교도소에서 여죄수를 감독하는) 여간수.

foundling [fáundliŋ] n.
기아(棄兒), 주운[버린] 아이. =abandoned child
┈┈•a ∼ hospital 고아원, 기아 보호소.

By the calendar 나이상으론

“Because there’s something fine between us,” I said. “Why do you want to destroy it?”

shopworn [-́wɔ̀ːrn] a.
【미국】 상품이 오랫동안 진열되어 찌든( 【영국】 shop-soiled); 신선미를 잃은, 진부한.
Shopworn phrase = hackneyed phrase

Keep company with~: ~ 어울리다. 동류항이 되다.

Willful 외고집의

backhanded [bǽkhǽndid] a.
손등으로의; 거꾸로의; (필적이) 왼쪽으로 기운; 서투른; 간접의, 빗대어 말하는; 성실치 못한; 뜻밖의.
Instead there was only a backhanded compliment

A later generation with hindsight’s flawless vision understood very clearly that Hiroshima was a great and terrible moment in human history.

Cut a captain’s inspection: 중대장의 검열을 째다 (빠지다)

Have the noose put on one: 결혼을 하다.

fatuous [fǽtʃuəs] a.
얼빠진, 어리석은; 백치의, 바보의; 실체가 없는, 환영(幻影)의(illusory).

séventh héaven
(the ∼) 제7천국(신과 천사가 사는 최상천(最上天)), 하늘 나라; 최고의 행복.
♣in the ∼ 그지없는 환희[행복] 속에; 미칠 듯이 기뻐하여[황홀하여].
♣the ∼ of delight 기쁨의 절정[극치]

pipsqueak [pípskwìːk] n.
(속어) 보잘것 없는 사람[물건]; 벼락 출세자.

Growing up

Be fixed for something = be ready for something

A lark = a prank 장난
In my senior year I’d helped edit the campus weekly newspaper, but it had been only a lark.

vi.쿵쿵 걷다; 무겁게 움직이다; (기차 따위가) 우르르하며 움직이다(along; past; ((폐어) by; up)).

Grind out a story: 이야기를 지어 내다

sensuous [sénʃuəs] a.
감각적인; 오감에 의한; 미감에 호소하는, 심미적인. [cf.] sensitive, sensual.

Enjoy the indolent sensuous life

Turn in: (구어) 잠자리에 들다: He ∼ed in at 11 last night. 그는 어젯밤 11시에 잤다

róoming hòuse
하숙집(lodging house)(취사설비는 없고 외식하는).

From Growing Up

Page 186:

"The only thing that truly interested me was writing, and I knew that sixteen-year-olds did not come out of high school and become writers. I thought of writing as something to be done only by the rich. It was so obviously not real work, not a job at which you could earn a living. Still, I had begun to think of myself as a writer. It was the only thing for which I seemed to have the smallest talent, and, silly though it sounded when I told people I'd like to be a writer, it gave me a way of thinkg about myself which satisfied my need to have an identity."