Friday, July 1, 2011

Break a way

Break a way through difficulties 난국을 타개해 나가다.

Jongho Kim

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Double up on = share

There used to be 28 detectives here, doubling up on desks. Now, thanks to budget cuts and jurisdictional changes, just nine Specual Victims detectives cover all of Manhattan.

Jongho Kim

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wear off

Color, sheen Wear off (from) ~: 에서 빛이, 광채가 차츰 줄어들다.

The sheen has worn off his presidency at home. 광채가 퇴색되었다.

Jongho Kim

Monday, April 11, 2011

There is a run on ~ = ~ is in great demand.

(a run) 주문 쇄도, 날개 돋친 듯 팔리기[on]; (은행의) 예금 인출의 쇄도..
a great ~ on a new novel 신간 소설의 대히트
a ~ on a bank 은행의 예금 인출 쇄도.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

BJ Lee

I once sent a letter to Newsweek on a fact-distorting article written by a Korean reporter named "BJ Lee." As a subscriber, I myself have been aware of this writer's disgustingly-prejudiced view against progressive politicians in South Korea.

And I have recently found out that there are other people who share my view.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

legacy admission 기여입학

legacy admission 기여입학제 be passed over for promotion: 승진에서 제외되다 has got nothing on ~ : ~에 상대가 안 되다. =can't begin to compete with ~ =looks pale beside ~ =can't stand comparision with ~ =is dwarfed by ~ philistine: 교양머리 없는 =ignorant

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Robot English teacher "EngKey" in Daegu elementary classrooms

Today morning, I heard on KCLU Radio--a live American radio channel available on NPR App. on my iPhone--about a remote-controlled robot teaching English to kids in a classroom of an elementary school, Hakjeong Elementary, in Daegu, South Korea, as an assistant to a human teacher. The robot interacts with kids, showing video and correcting their pronunciations one on one. An outsourced Filipino teacher controls the robot which can move anywhere in the classroom. The argument for this robot teaching is that it costs half the moneny--about USD $40,000--the government pays for employing a native English teacher from abroad. Of course there might be downsides to robotic teaching. Critics are pointing out lack of human interaction in it, arguing that the most important thing that English learners should take away is human interaction. Well, in my opinion, that's nothing to worry about too much because the students are sufficiently immersed in human interaction in non-English classes and activities outside school. If human interaction is that much essential, what about learning English from TV, radio, video and the Internet? Are they all seriously flawed ways of learning the language? In fact, those methods are even short of the quasi-human interaction that a robot teacher can provide. Language-learning is an area where virtual reality can be most effective. A robot teacher will go a long way to succeed and will eventually take root in Korean classrooms after constant inovation.

Friday, February 18, 2011

My suggestion to KORAIL

The other day, I posted a suggestion on the Customers' Voice section of KORAIL's Web site. I pointed out incorrect grammar in an English sentence appearing on a yellow warning sign on the floor of Dong Daegu Railway Station. They had acknowledged and accecpted my suggestion, and agreed to correct it. I noticed a few days ago that it has been corrected as promised (The corrected sentence is shown in the picture). I feel a sense of being productive and pride myself on playing a role, though small, in heping society go in the right direction. :))

Here's an email response from KORAIL:
안녕하세요? 김종호 고객님 매주 KTX를 이용해 주셔서 대단히 감사합니다.
고객님께서 말씀하신데로 철도공사에서 고객신뢰선에 사용하고 있는 "Only paid customers past this line."은 틀린 표현입니다. 고객님의 의견을 참고하여 "Only paid customers can cross this line."으로 정정하는 것이 맞습니다. 항상 관심갖고 지켜봐 주셔서 감사합니다!^^"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The soft bigotry of low expectations Bush's lowered bars  Throughout his campaigns in 2000 and 2004, George W. Bush talked about "the soft bigotry of low expectations": the mind-set that tolerates poor school performance and dead-end careers for minority students on the presumption that they are incapable of doing better. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said recently that this phrase attracted her to Bush more than anything else.  
Jongho Kim

Monday, February 7, 2011

Skim off the top

삥땅하다. 횡령하다. 
It means taking a share of any profits which you have collected on someone else's behalf before reporting the correct amount of your collections. Not only is it illegal, it could get you killed if you were skimming off the top of the Godfather's property.

Jongho Kim

Friday, January 14, 2011

Speak to : prove

"Anyone who's able to navigate those political waters and emerge not only intact but as a deeply respected voice speaks to a level of skill that few of us have ever seen before."

Jongho Kim

Chin-deep in red ink

- chin-deep in red ink: so deep in deficit

- could do worse than V or ~ing: had better V, may well V

Jongho Kim

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fait accompli

fait accompli [<i> F </i> ftakpli] 단어장에 추가

  •  ( -s -s [fεzak pli]) 기정 사실. 〔<F〕


The sale of the factory was presented to the workers as a <b>fait</b> <b>accompli</b>. (출처:옥스포드 예문)
그 공장의 매각은 근로자들에게는 기정사실로 제시되었다.
예문 더보기(1개)
Jongho Kim

Monday, January 3, 2011

Where's the emergency slide to escape overwrought interpreters of Slater? The flight attendant is a hero for our times only in this sense — his escapade captures the value our culture puts on emotional expressiveness. Reserve and restraint are almost always portrayed in film and on TV as the product of an unhealthy repression. Breaking loose, finding yourself, and sticking it to authority are the keys to fulfillment and happiness.
Jongho Kim

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Scale something up

scale up something also scale something up

to make something larger, esp. a design or model A number of companies manufacturing a line of popular small cars have simply scaled up those models. Engineers did not completely understand what would happen if they scaled their design up.

Jongho Kim